Prof. Dr. Abdur Rob Khan


Full Time Faculty
Professor & Dean, School of Humanities & Social Sciences 

Ph.D. in International Relations, University of Kent at Canterbury (UKC), UK
Post- Doctoral ( Senior Fulbright Fellow), UPenn, USA

Dr. Abdur Rob Khan, a former Research Director at the Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS) for more than fifteen years, is a Professor and Chair at the department of Political Science and Sociology (PSS), North South University (NSU), Dhaka. With a Ph. D. in International Relations from the University of Kent at Canterbury (UKC), UK, Dr. Khan specialized in security and conflict studies. His area of interests also branched out to non-traditional security, including human security. At NSU, Dr. Khan teaches International Relations and China Studies at Undergraduate levels and International Business at graduate levels. Dr. Khan has published widely articles in professional journals, book chapters and edited several volumes in the fields of security, conflicts,

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